Weekly News and Notes, February 2

We have a couple of updates from UHS this week:

1. We had an opportunity to present our Program of Studies revisions to the School Council on Monday. We will be recommending a few updates to this document in the coming weeks, and that will commence the course selection process. We will be discussing that more earnestly in the coming weeks. We will have an open meeting as well, which we will host virtually, to allow families to ask questions.

2. At the School Council meeting, we also discussed cell phone use at UHS. Be on the lookout for some procedural changes that will be coming in the next couple of weeks with respect to cell phones during class time. While we are not forbidding their entry into the building or locking them down for the day, we are taking steps to mitigate and limit distractions during class time. These will be shared with families, students, and staff next week.

3. For students interested in taking Early College classes next year, we will be providing a signup link and access to an Early College contract that details responsibilities.

4. Congratulations to Coach Kelly Rosborough, who was named Max Field Hockey Massachusetts High School Coach of the Year!

Have a great weekend!