Weekly News and Notes, January 10

We have a few updates from UHS this week.

1. Midyear exams will be the week of January 20. They start on January 21, and we will communicate any adjustments needed should there be inclement weather. The exam schedule and department expectations are listed below:

















Exams will no longer factor into the average as 7.5% of the final grade, and it will appear as part of the second term grade. It is strongly recommended that we use this time for benchmark testing or for providing mid-year feedback within specific disciplines, including presentations of a final project or summative experience, or for classes to engage in practice assessments such as sample AP or MCAS tests.


Grade 8 Math and English classes will be using the time for iReady assessments. Grade 8 Exploratory can either use the time for lessons with guidance, Thrively assessments, or presentation of final projects.


 Below is listed how other departments will be handling the exam block:



Midyear Assessment Plan (Use bullet points to differentiate between course)

Visual Arts

All Classes- Portfolio reviews, reflections, exit critiques, pass in art for art show.

Ceramics 2- Class reflection and implementation of their semester-long earthernware body of work (ie brunch on their functional dinnerware sets they created, with good conversation)


Essays, projects, reflections 

iReady assessment for 8th grade  

Angela W. will do her ACCESS testing with her students during this time.



Performing Arts

Performance assessments.


Standardized test practice, iReady (grade 8) & standards data collection


Provided directly to students

Teachers will continue work on projects or use longer time to complete lab activities 

Social Studies

AP classes-review multiple choice and FRQ test

Global III-Civil Rights Icon Project

Global I- Review of significant first semester events

Global II- Review of significant first semester events

Civics-Overview of executive branch

Student Services/Special Education

  • ASC classes: creation/reviewing of study guides, completion of makeup work, study groups, reteaching/test/prep, conferences with students on executive functioning skills/semester 2 schedule changes

  • Small Group ELA Classes: IReady Assessments/End of unit assessments

  • Small Group Math Classes: Quarterly assessments/IReady Assessments

  • Small Group History - Midyear Exam

  • Small Group Topics in Biology - Midyear Exam (also used as MCAS prep for retakes in early Feb)

  • Post Secondary II: student conferences (standards based rubric led)/student self  evaluations/Project


Performance, unit assessment and reflection,  project


Final Reflection Essay/submission of goal sheet 

Tech Ed

Final Project assessment and presentation(Critique) for 1 semester classes

 (Materials Processing, GD1, Photo) 

PLTW Courses will complete mid-year exams in preparation for the EOC test.  

World Language

Portfolio reviews, updating expectation trackers, conferencing, goal setting, semester check-in

2. Earlier this week, we shared information about hate speech that was found in a book. When we indicated that we were reviewing materials, we meant that teachers were looking at other books and resources to make sure there were no other instances - not that we were looking at changing curricula! Sorry for any confusion or misunderstanding.

3.  Twelve students competed at DECA's District competition. Some were given role plays on a business topic and presented their results to a judge and others wrote and presented business ideas. Over 800 students competed overall in 50 different business categories. 
Students who finished in the top 4 qualified for the State Competition in March. This is the largest number of State qualifiers Uxbridge has ever had. Congrats to everyone!

State Qualifiers
Neil Boyalla - Sports and Entertainment Marketing - 1st placeJordan Hilgenberg and Lelia Sjogren - Marketing Management Team Decision - 1st place
Liam Powers - Entrepreneurship innovation Plan - 2nd place
Hannah Samolinski - Hospitality and Tourism Professional Selling - 3rd place
Sydney Loiselle and Maddie Silva - Travel and Tourism Team Decision - 3rd place
Other Competitors
Cate Buma - Project Management Community Awareness
Susie Casper - Retail Merchandising
Josh Lavergne - Principles of Business Administration
Isadora Malta - Integrated Marketing Campaign
Lili McClintock - Start Up Business Plan

4. Congratulations to the Science Olympiad, taking two golds, a silver, and a bronze in the four events hosted at UHS on Thursday!.

5. Finally, with the cold weather, some students have inquired about locker access to store a coat during the day. We have plenty of lockers available, but we have not assigned them formally since the pandemic, mainly because students have rarely used them. If anyone requests a locker, we can certainly oblige.

Have a great weekend!