Uxbridge School Committee Approves $23,801,645 FY23 General Fund Request

  • The School Committee Budget Sub-committee held their last meeting of the FY23 budget cycle.  We thank Pat Tuer, D. Brett Pomeroy and Paul Paulino for serving on such an important sub-committee.  Their efforts partnering with those of the BOS & FinCom provided ownership and inclusiveness across the community.  

    The full School Committee subsequently voted 7-0 at their February 2nd meeting (yes, Groundhog Day) supporting a budget that reflects a .041% reduction of the superintendent’s original request.  The committee first increased the FY23 general fund request by $27,000.  This appropriation to our co-curricular programs eliminates gate receipts (admission charge) for regular season football and basketball games as well as school drama events. The goal of this amendment is to provide greater equity and inclusiveness across the Uxbridge community.  Next, the committee increased alternate funding sources by $94,000 utilizing circuit breaker, pre-school tuitions, school facility rentals and community school tuitions. 

    Bottom line: The Uxbridge Public School FY23 General Fund request is $23,801,645.  This represents a 2.70% or $626,379 increase over FY22.  Thank you to all who participated in the FY23 budget process.

    Please find the School Committee's FY23 Budget here.

Last Modified on October 30, 2024