About Us

  • The public schools of Uxbridge serve over 1,700 students in grades Pre-Kindergarten through 12. Students attend the Taft Early Learning Center in grades PreK through 3, Whitin Intermediate School in grades 4 through 7, and Uxbridge High School in grades 8 through 12. Approximately 275 teachers, support staff, and administrators serve our student population by providing quality instructional programs. 

    One of our strategic goals is increased and effective communication with our school community. The new website is one of many tools we have instituted to achieve our communication goals. As you browse the content of this website, you will learn about system-wide programs and services and the individual schools within our system. If you have any questions or need more information, let us know. Thank you for visiting Uxbridge Public Schools. 

    The Central Office is located at: 
    9 North Main Street
    Uxbridge, MA 01569

    Phone: 508.278.8648
    Fax: 508.278.8654

    School Year Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

    Summer Hours start July 1 - August 16, 2024: 7:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. (Monday through Thursday)

    7:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (Friday)

    Karen H. Dwyer, Ed.D, Interim Superintendent
    Phone: 508.278.8648 Ext. 2002

    Barbara Emerick, Superintendent Executive Assistant
    Phone: 508.278.8648 Ext. 2002
    E-mail: bemerick@uxbridge.k12.ma.us

    Central Office



Phone Numbers

  • Superintendent’s Office
    (508) 278-8648 ext. 2002

    Business and Transportation
    (508) 278-8648 ext. 2004

    Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction and Accountability
    (508) 278-8648 ext. 2005

    Pupil Services 
    (508) 278-8648 ext. 2009

    Food Service 
    (508) 278-8633 

    Taft Early Learning Center 
    (Pre-K – Grade 3)  
    (508) 278-8643

    Whitin Intermediate School
    (Grades 4 – 7) 
    (508) 278-8640

    Uxbridge High School  
    (Grades 8 – 12) 
    (508) 278-8633