Medication Policy

  • The Uxbridge Public Schools Medication Policy complies with the state guidelines which are available for review at the Massachusetts Department of Public Health website.  The following are some important highlights of our policy:
    • All medications, prescription or over-the-counter, require a physician’s order and a completed parental permission form.  Medication will not be administered until documentation is complete and received by the school nurse.  A new medication order from the physician is required for all dose changes.


    • All medication must be delivered to the school nurse in a correctly labeled pharmacy or manufacturer’s medication container by a parent/guardian or responsible adult.  Students are not permitted to bring medication into school.  Medication will not be accepted in containers such as plastic bags.  Medication must be picked up at the end of each school year.  Medication not picked up by the close of the school year will be destroyed.


    • For short-term medications, i.e., those requiring administration for ten school days or fewer, the pharmacy-labeled container may be used in lieu of a licensed prescriber's order; if the nurse has a question, she may request a licensed prescriber's order.


    • Medication to be self-administered by a student may be allowed under certain circumstances. Permission may be granted after consultation with the school nurse, development of a plan, permission from physician, and parent/guardian. Unless authorized by the school nurse, all other medications must be kept in the nurse’s office.


    • If a medication needs to be given during a school sponsored event such as a field trip, the school nurse must be contacted in advance, in order to allow time to make special arrangements, prior to the outing.


    • All medication orders expire at the end of each school year.


    • Substances not approved by the FDA, including herbal extracts, oils, and remedies, are not permitted on school grounds.


    • Many doctors offices use a standard order form which will be accepted. The parent/guardian  authorization form must be filled out along with any medication orders being submitted to the school.