The secretary is in the office 7:00 - 3:00 when school is in session.  
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Guidance @UHS

SAT Prep

  • School Counseling 2023-24:

    Ms. Smith: Caseload is Students with Last Name A-Go

    Ms. Toto: Caseload is Students with Last Name Gr-O

    Ms. Gutekunst: Caseload is Students with Last Name P-Z


    Adjustment counselors:

    Ms. Ciccone & Ms. Tobin


  • UHS School Profile


    WORK PERMIT INFORMATION...Effective: 2024-2025


    If a student is younger than 18 years of age, he/she must complete a Promise of Employment Application and obtain a Work Permit before starting a job. Each time a minor gets a new job he/she must get a new work permit. Each work permit is job-specific.  First, the minor must have a job offer from an employer. Then a Promise of Employment form must be completed and returned to the Uxbridge Public Schools.


    ***Uxbridge High School Students ONLY are to do the following***

    1) The student must complete the Promise of Employment Form for 14 Through 17 Year-Olds.  (Scroll down for form)

    2) Bring this form to your employer. Employer must complete the Promise of Employment section.

    3) For 14 and 15 year olds only (16 and 17 year olds may skip this step): Physicians Certificate of Health section must be completed by your physician.

    4) Parent/Guardian must sign the Parent/Guardian Permission section. The student must then sign the bottom of this form - “Signature of Minor.”

    5) Drop-off this form at the Guidance Office, or scan and/or take a picture of this form and email to Jennifer Robertson at jrobertson@uxbridge.k12.ma.us. Include in the body of the email: Name of minor, Minor’s address, Minor’s place of birth, Date of Birth, Current Age, Color of Hair, Color of Eyes, Facial Marks, Gender, Grade. Also include a copy of your Birth Certificate.

    6) The High School Guidance Office will generate your Work Permit. When the work permit is ready, you will receive an email from Ms. Robertson to schedule an appointment for you to come to the Guidance office to sign it.

    **Allow 48-72 hours for the processing of the Work Permit. The student must appear in person in the High School Guidance Office to sign the Work Permit in the presence of a school department employee. No one else may pick up the Work Permit for the student.

    7) Bring the signed Work Permit back to the employer who must keep it until the student is no longer employed. Your employer is required to have your Work Permit on the premises at all times.

    Hours: Monday-Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

    Telephone Number: 508-278-8633 X4004


    ***If you are an Uxbridge Resident and attend another school  OR  an Out-of-State Resident and will be employed in the Town of Uxbridge***

    1) The student must complete the Promise of Employment Application for 14 Through 17 Year-Olds. (Scroll down for form)

    2) Bring this form to your employer. Employer must complete the Promise of Employment section.

    3) For 14 and 15 year olds only (16 and 17 year olds may skip this step): Physicians Certificate of Health section must be completed by your physician.

    4) Parent/Guardian must sign the Parent/Guardian Permission section. The student must then sign the bottom of this form - “Signature of Minor.”

    5) You  must call ahead or email the Superintendent’s office to schedule an appointment for you to obtain your work permit. 508-278-8648 x 2002 or bemerick@uxbridge.k12.ma.us.

    6) When you come in for your appointment, you must bring this form, your latest report card from your attending school and proof of age (birth certificate, passport, or immigration record). You will not receive your work permit if you do not provide these documents.

    7) The Superintendent’s Office will generate the Work Permit. The student must appear in person at the Superintendent’s Office to sign the Work Permit in the presence of a school department employee. No one else may pick up the Work Permit for the student.

    8) Bring the signed Work Permit back to the employer who must keep it until the student is no longer employed. Your employer is required to have your Work Permit on the premises at all times.

    Superintendent’s Office, 9 North Main Street, Uxbridge, MA 01569

    Hours: Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

    Telephone Number: 508-278-8648 x2002




    Click Here: Promise of Employment Form


    Student Residency Packet



    We do not have copies of your diploma.  You received the one and only copy at graduation.  If you have lost it and need to prove that you have graduated, you can use a copy of your transcript.  Your graduation date is listed on your transcript.
    Distribution process for report cards/progress reports: 
    Report Cards and Progress Reports will not be mailed home or be distributed to students in paper format.  The final report card in June, however, will be mailed home. Both the progress report and the report card are available for viewing through iParent where you will find your child's grades and teacher comments located under the View tab and by clicking on Grades. If you would like a hard copy of your child's progress report or report card you will need to call or email Jen Robertson in the Guidance Office to request one each school year.