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PowerSchool Parent Portal and App Information

  • The Uxbridge Public Schools advise all parents to create a PowerSchool Parent Account to ensure access to the PowerSchool Parent Portal and app. The tech department kindly requests that you create a parent account as soon as possible using the account credentials that were electronically delivered via ParentSquare. Doing this promptly will help us improve the transition and ensure accurate contact information is in the new system before summer begins.

    Each household only needs to create one account. Multiple children can appear under one parent account.

    To create your account, you will need to follow these steps:

    1. Open the internet browser on your computer.
    2. Type https://uxbridgeschools.powerschool.com/public into the address bar and create an account unique to you by creating your own username and password.
    3. Link Student to account by entering the information into the required fields. You will receive an email to verify.
    4. Type your Username and Password exactly as they are printed on the letter sent via ParentSquare (both are case sensitive). Parents and students have separate passwords. Please keep your login credentials secure and do not share them with others. The Uxbridge Public Schools is not responsible for keeping a record of this information. If you did not receive the communication via ParentSquare with your login credentials, please contact Sean Bouzan at sbouzan@uxbridge.k12.ma.us

    To download the app, please follow the links below:

